Tuesday, September 7, 2010

sil·hou·ette (noun)

A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black.
Denville, NJ train station 7:36am
For the month of September I will be doing a project on silhouettes.  I'm not trying to hit a specific amount of posts for this assignment, but I am excited to see how the project evolves over the next month!  I will do my best to carry around a camera where ever I go so I don't miss an opportunity and this will hopefully give me plenty of chances to experiment.  This will be the beginning of monthly projects where I will be trying different techniques, focusing on aspects of photography, and eventually trying different equipment!  If you are looking for a bit of inspiration check out this book PHOTO OP by Kevin Meredith.


  1. you should do one of grace ..somehow lol

  2. I love the photograph you took. Can't believe it's an image in a train station. Something you probably see every single day in the routine of a commute, but it's still beautiful. It shows that there's beauty anywhere, you just have to see it. Can't wait to see more silhouettes this month!

  3. Yes, Bee - Lets visit Grace this month! I would LOVE to do one of her.
