Thursday, September 23, 2010

school's started!

Last night was my first class at School of Visual Arts and I couldn't be more excited!

The class is Digital Photography I and our first assignment is to bring 30-40 4x6 prints of one person, place, or thing.  The subject is not important as long as it is consistent through out the series.  

The predetermined settings for the assignment are: 
Program mode (P)
File type: RAW & jpg
ISO: 400
White Balance: Auto white balance (AWB)
Focus mode: Auto Focus (single focus in the center)
Turn OFF LSD screen (also saves on battery life!), but the point is not to pre-edit your work - brilliant because I always do this!

The sideshow and lecture the teacher, Mathew Baum, gave was really thoughtful and gave me a lot of insight in how to take successful exposures.  Here are some highlights that really stuck:

Photography is...
both abstraction and description  
shapes/forms & darks/lights

Taking pictures shouldn't be butterfly collecting.

Think of the frame as your canvas, everything on the canvas should be considered!

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